sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

Bullying is wrong!
By: Shirley Anne

     Hello Beautiful People! I really hope you are doing super fine. Recently I've become more aware of how many bullies are out there, and the truth is that they are near everyone, it's just that you don't see it, you don't notice it simply because you are not the bullied person. Most of the time we are close to persons that are all day talking about: 
"How fat/ skinny/ ugly / stupid -is that person!" 
"How ugly is that person's- nose/ brows/ eyes/ body/ hair/ SMILE!"
"That girl doesn't- dance/ sing/ look good!"
"That girl should- EAT/ get a life/ go out more/ put some clothes on!"
"She shouldn't- wear that/ eat that/ eat more/ go out with him!"
"That girl is such a h**!" AND WE CAN'T FORGET ABOUT
"If I was her, I'd kill myself."

     And the list goes a long way.... Yes! Think about it... Your friends?? What!? Your friends are talking like that all the time? Yes, I'm sorry to tell you that they are bullies as well, but the sad part is that you support those comments, you think that those comments are funny. THEY ARE NOT FUNNY AT ALL. Have you noticed how people each time finds more funny discriminating others? People say that bullying is everywhere, but they still don't do anything about it. It's hard stopping something that it's all over the place, and it had a beginning such time ago, but yet we can make the difference by putting silence to those who bully indirectly and directly. It's wrong bullying someone directly, but I think it's a same BIG deal doing it behind someone's back.

       I am pretty sure that everyone has been bullied at least one time. I don't see how something that God created with amazing love *us humans* can be so mean. We are so caught up on the idea that we only live once *YOLO* that we've forgotten the precious gift of being alive, of giving, of helping, of loving, of being blessed by having. Am I the only one who everyday notices how wrong people are acting each day? I see how the closest persons that we can have, talk about others like they know what it's perfect, like they know how things should work down here on Earth. 

      Honestly I'm just mad and sad on how this is even possible. We are wrong, people. It doesn't matter if you are not bullying anyone by hitting them or so, but it matters if you know someone is getting bullied and you still don't care. I know we've grown in a moment of the world where trusting and helping has faded, but again: WE NEED TO BRING IT BACK! Respect is needed here, and if we don't care and still "mind our own business" we are going to be as wrong as bullies. 

     And for those of you who are like me that remain in silence, because you don't want to get involved... we need to move and start talking for those who are being bullied *directly or indirectly*. What I started doing myself is that whenever this happens nears me I remind the person how bad they look doing so, and how LOW it's to talk about someone, or I simply take a side and say: "Well, I think she is gorgeous!♥" It gets into that person's head. 

   I know everyone talks about someone in a moment of their lives, I've done it too. But I know that it's wrong, and I do my best not to do it and if I happen to do it by mistake or because I wasn't thinking at the moment, or I was hurt by something that that person did to me, I take a chance and I pray to God and say that I am sorry, because I really am. 

    I think that something that has made me the good person I am, is the fact that whenever I meet someone from which I had a bad impression or talked bad stuff about, I tell them exactly that, and that makes me different and unique. I am proud of who I am each day, and of how GOD is guiding me through life.
    If you happen to read this post and you want to let me know you support it use the hashtag #SWbullyingiswrong  *love youuuu!*

xoxo, Shirley Anne

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