Hey there!! Welcome back to my little blog! I'm so pumped about my blog that I couldn't resist writing another post. For today's post I'm sharing with you, my friends, my current favorites on the
F21 online store. I do not own this items *insert crying hard face emoji here please*, but I still think they are SO SO cute! I would like to state that Forever 21 has been my favorite fashion store since I walked in for the first time, so I do have faith on this items being good. Now, let's get started!

Item •1 :
Isn't this crop top beautiful? If you ask me, I would wear this exact same outfit... except the beautiful hat because my hair doesn't fit inside of there... and except the boots... because I look funny in boots lol. But I think that this crop top is so cute for this season. I would preferably wear it in black (because it matches my soul lol jk). I think it would also pair perfectly with an overall. What about you? How would you wear this crop top?
Item •2:
I think all ladies need a t-shirt dress on their wardrobe. We all have those days where we feel like we would stay on our pajama dress.What's better than that? a T-Shirt Dress. You still look somehow presentable and you can rock it so many different ways. I prefer the more tight look, so I would pair it with a braided belt and some booties.
Item •3
Can we talk about the price first? SO PRETTY right? I grew up with a Spanish saying/quote that does not make any sense in English, but I'll mention it for you my friends: "Debe tener las tres B's: bueno, bonito, y barato"/// ["it should have the 3 B's (because this words in Spanish all start with B): good, beautiful, and inexpensive.] ◄ isn't that the best quote ever?!
But back to the dress! This dress is perfect for all my confident girls. It has a beautiful silhouette since it's a bodycon, plus the rounded hem makes it look beautiful on all girls (curvy or not).
Item •4
This one's price is not so pretty as the other items, but I definitely would enjoy having a piece like this on my wardrobe. This Top screams confident to me, don't you agree? I think it's always important when wearing this types of tops (that show a little bit of your cleavage or a lot lol) that you keep your lower part of the body nice and covered, because it balances the outfit perfectly; although I really like this tops with suede skirts, or denim skirts.
So those are the first four items on my fashion favorites and I really hope you guys found this post interesting. Let me know if you have any of these items, and how do you like them... because they definitely are on my wishlist. Love you friends!
Shirley Anne
Disclaimer: All pictures belong to www.forever21.com, and they've been added to this post via url. This post is not sponsored.
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